Edith Piaf on stage watercolor and pencil on paper, mongrammed K for Charles Kiffer (1902-1992), Workshop stamp.
Edith Piaf on stage watercolor and pencil on paper, mongrammed K for CharlesKiffer(1902-1992), Workshop stamp. CharlesKiffer(1902-1992), This artistisbest known for hisdrawings,paintings, prints,posters,almost alldevotedto the theater,music halland circus. From 1918, he attended theEcole Nationale Superieuredes Beaux-Arts in Paris.He realizedin 1923for his own pleasure, the portrait ofMauriceChevalier, whoentrusted him with theachievement of posters for his showsin 1926and 1927.Therefore, he was assigned "official" poster illustrator and realized thirteenpostersuntil 1963. He also worked forstars such as GeorgeGuétary(1933), CharlesTrenet, EdithPiaf(1936),YvesMontand, RinaKetti, as well as JosephineBaker,BrigitteBardot,Mistinguett, clownsAlex, From1955, he madea dozenposters for themimeMarcelMarceau. Kifferalso createsmanysets andstage curtainsfor the Casino deParis.Over sixty-five years afterhis first poster,Kifferwas still workingin his studio inthe Ile Saint-Louisin Paris where heliked toentertain his friendsandcontemporary artists.